Gwen Garci is back in to the photo-shoot world, and that's good news for all of us right? Here are some bikini photos for all of the Viva Hot Babe fans out there! View more below!
We haven't seen her for quite sometime now huh? Well for all of you guys who misses her, here's a lovely close-up photo of Ehra Madrigal. A very pretty face huh?
Christine Marquez is a member of the Premiere Vixen 1st batch. Not only that she has a sexy body she also has a gorgeous smile. View the rest of the sexy bikini photos after the jump!
Here are some sexy 2-piece bikini photos of the ex-viva hot babe Gwen Garci. She is one of the hottest member on the group isn't she? View the rest of the photos below or view some sexy bikini photos in Boracay Here.